We provide the convenience of private GP same day appointments at all our GP locations. You can simply walk into the clinic or call or email us to book. For even more efficiency, use our handy booking page. Most of our patients are seen within 20 minutes.
We offer phone and email consultations with a GP, which are £80. We can also offer a face-to-face consultation for £120.
No, at SameDayDoctor, you don't need to register beforehand; we are here for your care, and you can see us when you need us. If, however, you choose to use us as your regular private doctor, we do offer free registration.
Usually 15 to 30 minutes, although we generally advise that the patients will be given as long as they need. We are here to care for you.
We can refer a patient to their NHS GP and recommend what further referrals and investigations need to take place.
Yes, it can. A private GP can refer you to a specialist covered under your insurance.
Yes, we have full access to a wide range of imaging, including MRI and ultrasound, as well as CT scans. See our services page here for X-rays and scans.
Yes, we have direct access to a first-class laboratory for all forms of blood and urine tests.
SameDayDoctor is regularly inspected by the Care Quality Commission, which recently gave us a GOOD rating as of June 2019.
Our private doctors are all registered with the General Medical Council and have annual appraisals, and most of them also work in the NHS.