SameDayDoctor in Central London has considerable expertise in contraceptive services. These include general contraceptive advice and standard progesterone-only and combined oral contraceptive medication. In addition our doctors can insert and remove hormone implants as well as inject depot contraceptives
SameDayDoctor in Central London has considerable expertise in contraceptive services. These include general contraceptive advice and standard progesterone-only and combined oral contraceptive medication. In addition our doctors can insert and remove hormone implants as well as inject depot contraceptives.
Furthermore, we can insert and remove intrauterine devices (IUD'S) which include the Mirena coil.
We can also offer sexual health screening (for all STD's and HIV) and advice. Appointments for these specialist services can be made at our Central London Clinic by email or telephone. STD/STI testing is available at all clinics on a walk in basis.
Is a little ‘T’ shaped plastic device with copper round it, which it fitted into the womb by a trained nurse or doctor and then lasts for 5 or 10 years. The fitting is a bit like having a smear test with some period cramps at the same time. It has the advantages of minimal known health risks, no affect on when periods come and is very reliable. The disadvantage is that periods are normally a bit heavier and longer with an IUD. Very rarely women may find it uncomfortable, it may move, or it may be difficult for a doctor or nurse to remove it when needed. SameDayDoctor uses the most reliable devices.
Is a little ‘T’ shaped plastic device which is fitted into the womb by a trained nurse or doctor and then lasts for 5 years. The fitting is a bit like having a smear test with some period cramps at the same time. It has the advantages of minimal known health risks and is very reliable. The disadvantage is that irregular bleeding is common to begin with, on average for about 3 months, but after that the majority of women have no periods at all or very occasional light bleeding only. It is a good choice for someone who has heavy periods. Rarely hormonal side effects such as breast tenderness or mood swings can occur. Very rarely women may find it uncomfortable, it may move, or it may be difficult for a doctor or nurse to remove it when needed.
Is ‘injected’ into the skin or the inner upper arm by a trained nurse or doctor and then lasts for 3 years. It has the advantages of minimal known health risks and is very reliable. The disadvantage is that irregular bleeding is common to begin with, on average for about 3 months, but after that the majority of women have no periods at all or very occasional light bleeding only. Rarely hormonal side effects such as breast tenderness or mood swings can occur. Very rarely women may have side effects in the arm where the implant is or it may be difficult for a doctor or nurse to remove it when needed.