Health officials have declared a “national measles incident” after a five-fold rise in cases over the past year
Health officials have declared a “national measles incident” after a five-fold rise in cases over the past year.
Experts said outbreaks were largely affecting young people who did not have the MMR vaccine as a child.
Uptake fell heavily following the publication of research in 1998 linking the jab to autism. This research has been discredited.
And they said private GPs should also pay particular attention to those travelling from countries such as Romania and Italy where uptake has always been low.
Latest figures from Public Health England (PHE) show 643 cases of measles in England in the first five and a half months of this year – compared with 274 cases in 2017.
SameDayDoctor offers the MMR vaccine and we support its use as recommended. Our BabyJabs Clinic in the City of London offers single measles vaccines to parents who choose not to give the MMR vaccine.