Interview on GB news re Covid 19 featured image

Interview on GB news re Covid 19

SameDayDoctor private GP clinics were interviewed on GB news about the future of the Covid virus

Interview on GB news re Covid 19 featured image
28th June 2021
Written by: Dr Gerlis

SameDayDoctor private GP clinics were interviewed on GB news about the future of the Covid virus.

'I still feel that the virus will mutate but mutate in a way that it eventually disappears and we've all got immunity.'

Dr Laurence Gerlis tells McCoy and Philips that he's 'an optimist' about the fight against Covid. The pattern of most viruses is that they become less virulent in time and although they may become more conatagious our vaccination programme will hopefully mean that there is a high level of immunity in the population.

Dr Gerlis also suggested that the priorities for the NHS should include dealing with the waiting lists and addrssing the problems of mental health as a result of the pandemic. In addition we need to improve the diagnostic and treatment procedures for cancer patients to catch up with the backlog.