Contraceptive injection

SameDayDoctor doctors and nurse practitioners at all clinics can administer the contraceptive injection. Contact your chosen clinic today.

The contraceptive injection needs a visit to a nurse or doctor every 12 weeks to have an injection into the buttock. It has the advantages of minimal known health risks and is very reliable.

The disadvantage is that irregular bleeding is common to begin with, on average for about 3 months, but after that the majority of women have no periods at all or very occasional light bleeding only.

Rarely hormonal side effects such as breast tenderness or mood swings can occur and evidence suggests a few women may gain more weight than they otherwise would have done.

Contraceptive Injection Prices

Contraceptive injection 1st visit£140
Contraceptive injection repeat£80

All prices are inclusive of the consultation fee, unless otherwise specified.

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