SameDayDoctor was interviewed today by Talk Radio for our opinion on protection against skin damage from the sun. We expressed our concern about the increase in diagnoses of malignant melanoma and other skin conditions related to over-exposure to the sun
SameDayDoctor was interviewed today by Talk Radio for our opinion on protection against skin damage from the sun. We expressed our concern about the increase in diagnoses of malignant melanoma and other skin conditions related to over-exposure to the sun.
Skin covering with clothes and hats is as important as using suncreams, and some children's clothes are now marked with sun protection factor (SPF) ratings. SPF factors measure the protection against ultraviolet B radiation, whereas UVA protection is measure by star ratings.
There has been an increase in the diagnosis of malignant melanoma as more fair skinned northern European people take holidays in sunnier climates. In addition to melanoma other skin conditions such as basal and squamous cell carcinomas are more common as well as more simple solar keratoses. Sensible sun avoidance advice includes wearing a hat and long sleeved and long legged clothes in addition to using SPF creams.
This advice also reduces the risk of insect bites particularly in countries where malaria, dengue fever and other insect borne infections are common.
At SameDayDoctor private GP clinics, we go beyond routine healthcare services. Our experienced team of private GPs in London and Manchester clinics is well-equipped to offer personalised travel advice and vaccinations. Additionally, we specialise in providing protection against tropical diseases such as malaria, ensuring your health and safety during your travels.