STD Infections Guide featured image

STD Infections Guide

Each sexually transmitted infection or STI is listed below, together with other genital infections which are not sexually transmitted

Each sexually transmitted infection or STI is listed below, together with other genital infections which are not sexually transmitted.

For types of tests, screening and prices please go to the STD testing page for more information.

BV / Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis, or BV, is NOT a sexually transmitted disease. It is an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina associated with a pH, or acid-alkali imbalance. The bacteria that cause this overgrowth include Gardnerella, Anaerobes, Mycoplasma hominis, and Ureaplamsa. BV causes a watery discharge and an odour that is often described as fishy. It is not harmful, except in pregnancy, but women understandably want treatment, which is simple antibiotics that may be combined with a pH vaginal gel. Book a bacterial vaginosis test today at a SameDayDoctor clinic for the expertise of a doctor or nurse practitioner, an optional examination, and fast results.

Candida / Thrush / Yeast  

Candida or thrush is NOT an STD. It is an over growth of yeast in the vagina. This causes a thick white, yellow or grey discharge and an itchy sore vulva and vagina. It is not harmful. Treatment is anti-fungal medication. Book for a Candida or thrush test today at a SameDayDoctor clinic for the expertise of a doctor or nurse practitioner, optional examination and fast results.


Chlamydia is a very common STD which does not always cause symptoms and more than half of those who have it will not have any warning signs. In men it may cause pain when passing urine and possibly a discharge. In women it may cause a vaginal discharge, pelvic pain, painful sex, irregular bleeding or bleeding after sex but may go unnoticed. It is treated with antibiotics. Book a Chlamydia test today in clinic for the expertise of a doctor or nurse practitioner, optional examination and fast same or next day results.

Epididymitis / orchitis / epididymo-orchitis

Epididymitis / orchitis / epididymo-orchitis means inflammation of the testes or scrotum resulting in pain and swelling. It is often caused by an STD and testing is recommended. It is important to exclude other causes such as torsion or twisting of the testis and so you should be examined by a doctor or specialist nurse urgently if you have these symptoms. Book an appointment today at a SameDayDoctor clinic for the expertise of a doctor or nurse practitioner, examination, fast test results and treatment. We can also arrange a testicular ultrasound scan if necessary.

Genital Warts / HPV human papilloma virus  

Genital warts:  Genital warts look much the same as other types of warts, but are localised to the genitals and may be less hard and rough than on other parts of the body. They are spread from person to person by direct skin to skin contact and condoms only offer limited protection. If you have any lumps or bumps on the genital area then book an appointment today at a SameDayDoctor clinic for the expertise of a doctor or nurse practitioner, examination, fast test results and treatment.

HPV and cancer: Both genital warts and certain cancers including cervical cancer are caused by viruses called human papilloma virus or HPV, but the types that cause warts are not the same as the types that cause cancer, and so having warts does not increase the risk of cancer.  Women are recommended to have regular smear tests to check for cell changes that may be warning signs of future cervical cancer risk. If any abnormality is found on a smear test, then this is followed up automatically with testing for the types of HPV which carry a high risk of cervical cancer, commonly types 16 and 18,  in order to determine the type of treatment offered. The types of HPV that cause genital warts in contrast are normally types 6 and 11.  SameDayDoctor can test specifically for a broad range of HPV types in men and women using brush or swab samples.

HPV vaccination protects against 4 types of virus including those responsible for 70% of cervical cancer and those responsible for 90% of genital warts. Book now for vaccination, available to women and men and see the SameDayDoctor A-Z of vaccines for more information.


Gonorrhoea is an STD which in men usually causes pain when you pass urine and maybe a discharge. In women it causes a vaginal discharge, pelvic pain, painful sex, irregular bleeding or bleeding after sex but may go unnoticed. In people who have anal sex, it can cause rectal / anal pain and discharge. It is treated with antibiotics. Book a Gonorrhoea test today in clinic for the expertise of a doctor or nurse practitioner, optional examination and fast same or next day results.

Hepatitis B 

Hepatitis B is an STD which can be caught from sex, but also from needles during IV drug use, piercings or tattoos. It may give symptoms of jaundice (yellow skin) and feeling unwell but sometimes there are no symptoms. It is more common in certain parts of the world such as the Far East and Africa. Book a Hepatitis B test today in clinic for the expertise of a doctor or nurse practitioner, optional examination and fast same or next day results.

Hepatitis C 

Hepatitis C is mostly caught from needles during IV drug use, piercings or tattoos but can also be caught during sex. It may give symptoms of jaundice (yellow skin) and feeling unwell but sometimes there are no symptoms. Book a Hepatitis C test today in clinic for the expertise of a doctor or nurse practitioner, optional examination and fast same or next day results.


Herpes is caused by a virus called Herpes simplex virus or HSV. Cold-sores on the mouth are also caused by this. The symptoms are normally painful genital skin and it may be possible to see little blisters, and later painful ‘ulcers’ or holes in the genital skin. An ‘episode’ or ‘outbreak’ will normally last about 5 to 14 days and the skin will then go completely back to normal. It is possible for the symptoms to keep recurring unpredictably and medicines called ‘antivirals’ are used both to reduce the severity of the first episode and the severity and frequency of recurrences. Although it doesn’t cause a life threatening or dangerous health problem, some people with herpes can find it psychologically difficult to deal with. Testing for herpes is not a simple ‘yes or no’ test. Swabs can only be done when there are symptoms  and blood tests cannot tell if someone has herpes or cold sores, as the type 1 and type 2 could cause either. If you think you might have herpes, want to get tested, need antiviral medication or need to talk to someone then book a SameDayDoctor appointment today or arrange a phone or email consultation.


HIV: Of all the STDs HIV is the one that people worry about the most, which is understandable, as unlike almost all the others it is not possible to cure someone of HIV. It is however, now possible for someone with HIV to live a normal life with normal life expectancy. It does mean taking medicines daily once these are started and changing sexual behaviour to avoid passing the virus to someone else. HIV testing is quick and easy and everyone having sex should test regularly unless you only have sex with one person who has also tested negative and you can be certain hasn’t had sex with anyone else.

HIV test: Book an appointment at any SameDayDoctor clinic or walk in clinic where it is advertised to test for HIV today. For details on the tests offered and how long after contact you can get tested, please contact us.

HIV risk. Your risk of HIV from sex depends on who you have had sex with, where they are from, how many times you had sex, whether you used a condom and the type of sex you had. If you are worried then come for a test at a SameDayDoctor clinic today, walk-in where advertised or arrange a phone or email consultation to talk about your concerns.

HIV symptoms. People who contract HIV may not have any symptoms or may experience a flu-like illness about 2-6 weeks after exposure. This does not mean a ‘cold’ so please don’t worry if you have a runny nose, sneezing etc. The sero-conversion illness normally consists of a high temperature / fever, a rash all over the body, swollen glands or lymph nodes and aching all over. Vague aches and pains, a dry throat, upset tummy and tingling fingers are much more likely to be due to anxiety about HIV than HIV infection itself. If you are worried then come for a test at a SameDayDoctor clinic today, walk-in where advertised or arrange a phone or email consultation to talk about your concerns..

HIV health monitoring – Living with HIV, HIV treatment, antiretroviral therapy ART. HIV is a chronic condition which can be managed with daily medication allowing those living with it to lead a relatively normal life and life expectancy is not shortened for those who start treatment early enough. It is sometimes compared to living with diabetes in terms of the health implications. Once diagnosed, if someone is well, they are normally monitored with blood tests until the time comes to start treatment, which is based on the way blood tests show that the immune system is behaving. Our specialist Dr Chris Scott can offer overall private care and treatment or can be consulted when needed by those who have their main management elsewhere.

HPV, smear or PAP tests and cervical cancer risk          

Smear tests: HPV or Human Papilloma Virus are a group of viruses of which some strains cause genital warts (see above section on Genital Warts), and other strains can cause cervical cancer in women. In order to avoid cervical cancer, women should have a smear test or Pap smear every 3 years from age 25 to 49, and every 5 years from 50 to 64. Some women choose to have a smear every year privately. The purpose of the smear test is to try to pick up abnormalities of the cells that may lead to cervical cancer and to treat these cells to stop cancer developing. You can book a smear test at a SameDayDoctor clinic today, choose a female doctor or nurse if you wish, and have your results in about 1 week. If any abnormalities are found you will automatically be tested to see whether the strain of HPV that is causing these abnormalities is a high or low risk type, and we can arrange further treatment if necessary. Find our about smear tests.

HPV vaccination: For information about vaccination against HPV view our list of A-Z of vaccines.

HPV tests for women: Testing for HPV is routinely done for any women with an abnormal smear test and if your smear is normal then testing for HPV is unlikely to be helpful. This is because, if an HPV test is carried out in a woman the sample is only taken from the cervix, not the whole genital area, there is no treatment, unless there are visible warts or an abnormal smear test. Our private doctors and nurses are very happy to discuss HPV testing if you wish. Book an appointment today at a SameDayDoctor clinic for the expertise of a doctor or nurse practitioner.

HPV tests for men: Testing for HPV or Human Papilloma Virus in men can be useful in certain situations. For example, if a man has a new partner and their previous partner had an abnormal smear or treatment to prevent cervical cancer. It is possible that the man may be carrying a high risk strain of the virus and knowing this might result in the new partner deciding to have the HPV vaccine and the couple using condoms for longer. The test is done by rubbing a moist swab over the genital skin to pick up skin cells for testing. It is not a perfect test as not every genital skin cell can be tested and so it is possible to miss the presence of HPV. It is also important to realise that HPV is so common that anyone who is sexually active will probably have had some strain at some time so positive tests are common and the immune system clears the virus from the skin in time. If HPV is found there is no treatment and we simply have to wait for the body to clear it. Testing for HPV therefore has significant limitations. Book an appointment today at a SameDayDoctor clinic for the expertise of a doctor or nurse practitioner or if you can’t make it to a clinic arrange a phone or email consultation to discuss your worries

LGV Lymphogranuloma Venereum

Lymphoganuloma Venereum or LGV is an STD that is rare in the UK but does occur. Most cases so far have been in gay men. It is caused by a chlamydia organism but a different strain to the common chlamydia. Symptoms differ from chlamydia and usually involve a primary genital lesion followed by swelling of the groin lymph nodes or inflammation of the rectum causing pain and discharge, often with blood. As the standard chlamydia test also detects LGV chlamydia testing on urine, throat or rectal swabs will detect LGV. Treatment is with antibiotics. Book a test today in clinic for the expertise of a doctor or nurse practitioner, optional examination and fast results.

Molluscum contagiosum 

Molluscum contagiosum is a skin virus causing little bumps anywhere on the body and passed from person to person through direct skin contact. As sex involves skin to skin contact these are often passed during sex and found on the genitals and often mitaken for genital warts, but they are not an STD. Most people have already been exposed to molluscum as children through skin contact during play. Treatment is through removing the bumps or freezing them or if left they will eventually disappear spontaneously. If you have any genital bumps then book a SameDayDoctor appointment today or walk in where advertised.

Mycoplasma Genitalium 

Mycoplasma Genitaliun is a little known STD similar to chlamydia which, in men usually causes pain when you pass urine and maybe a discharge; in women, pelvic pain, painful sex, irregular bleeding or bleeding after sex, it is treated with antibiotics. Book a test today in clinic for the expertise of a doctor or nurse practitioner, optional examination and fast results.

NSU non specific urethritis  

NSU or non-specific urethritis occurs in men and causes pain when you pass urine. It’s easily treated with antibiotics. It is often but not always caused by an STD. You will need to get STD tests. Book a test today in clinic for the expertise of a doctor or nurse practitioner, optional examination and fast same or next day results.

Pelvic inflammatory disease PID  

Pelvic inflammatory disease or PID means inflammation in the pelvis resulting in lower abdominal pain, painful sex and irregular vaginal bleeding. It is often cause by an STD and so you should get yourself tested for STDs. Diagnosis is made by being examined by a doctor or specialist nurse and it is treated with antibioitcs. Book an appointment today at a SameDayDoctor clinic for the expertise of a doctor or nurse practitioner, examination, fast test results and treatment.

Pubic lice (Crabs)

Pubic lice (Crabs) are an STD which causes intense pubic itching. Book an appointment today at a SameDayDoctor clinic for the expertise of a doctor or nurse practitioner, examination and treatment. If you really can’t make it to a clinic arrange a phone or email consultation to discuss your symptoms


Scabies are an infection which causes intense itching of the whole body except the head. Book an appointment in clinic today for an examination and treatment if needed.


Syphilis is still relatively uncommon in the UK but is spreading. You are more likely to contract syphilis if you have gay sex, if you pay for sex, or have sex with someone from a less developed part of the world. It can be transmitted by oral sex as well as vaginal or anal sex. Most people with syphilis don’t notice any symptoms., but symptoms may include a primary ‘chancre’ or ulcerated lesions with raised edges, on the genitals, mouth or anus. Several weeks later people some people develop a flu like illness with a fever, rash all over the body and swollen glands or lymph nodes. If you are worried about syphilis you should see a doctor quickly for examination, testing and the treatment you need.
Book a test today at a SameDayDoctor clinic or walk in where advertised, for the expertise of a doctor or nurse practitioner, optional examination and fast results.

Trichomonas Vaginalis

Trichomonas Vaginalis is a less common STD in the UK. In men it usually causes pain when passing urine and maybe a discharge; in women, it causes an intensely itching vagina and a vaginal discharge. It’s easily treated with antibiotics. Book a test today in clinic for the expertise of a doctor or nurse practitioner, optional examination and fast results.


Ureaplasma is a little know infection of uncertain significance. We know that many people have it quite harmlessly in their genitals and so testing and treating it is rarely indicated. There is some evidence that it may contribute to NSU or non-specific urethritis. I would not recommend testing unless suggested to do so by your doctor because of specific symptoms.

Please contact us for more information about STD screening, types of STD tests and prices.

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