Samedaydoctor offers a wide range of services to promote men’s health.
Samedaydoctor offers a wide range of services to promote men’s health.
Primary and Executive Health screens.
Well Man Screens: Samedaydoctor offers men a primary or executive health screen with additional prostate testing using a simple blood test for ‘prostate specific antigen’ (PSA), and an examination where indicated, in men over the age of 50.
Health Heart checks including blood pressure, cholesterol and ECG tests.
Executive Heart and Health Screen which incorporates the Executive Health screen with an exercise ECG or heart ‘stress test’, to analyse how the heart copes during exercise. The test looks at the electrical activity in the heart while a person is running on a treadmill.
Tailor made Health screens tailor-made to your specific needs as basic or extensive as you choose. Just contact us to discuss your individual requirements.
Cancer screening including
• PSA blood test for prostate cancer (for men over 50 years)
• Testicular examination and ultrasound scan for testicular cancer.
Fertility testing with semen analyis.
Erection difficulties or impotence investigation and treatment.
Sexual infection check ups.